Friday, March 13, 2009

Toddler Conversation (I love it!)

I am having so much fun watching Abigail & AJ relate to one another and especially lately converse verbally together! I want to share an exchange they had today at lunch, I am still laughing out loud! (A bit of back ground: AJ points to the top of his head and says 'bonk' no matter what the current injury is.)
We were eating an orange and AJ, who typically doesn't chew his food, started to choke. Andy & I stood up and started to pull him out of the highchair but he gagged it back onto his plate. He was a little scared but recovered immediately.
Abigail: AJ are you okay??
AJ: (pointing to the top of his head) Bonk
Abigail: You're choked, act-chew-ly.
AJ: (nod of the head)
Andy & I: falling off our chair laughing. :)


carrie said...

LOL! Too cute I love it!

stacita said...

Sooo cute! Juan and Ruby talk to each other but it doesn't make much sense.