Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuna Noodle Comfort

There are things in this crazy mom world of mine that simply give me a revelation that I'm not really the same woman I used to be: a glimpse at my stretch marks peeking out of the tankini bathing suit I tried so hard to feel comfortable in last weekend on vacation, the peanut butter or banana stuck to my shoulder where a child has sucked on me, or the diaper, wipes, sippy, and crackers that fall out of my purse when I am trying to dig for my wallet. Yesterday, I had the revelation once again when I wanted some sort of reprieve from a crazy day. In my younger days I would have gone for a run or ridden my bike to a coffee shop to sit quietly and read a book. These days, it's a bit harder to go somewhere in the middle of the day and impossible to go somewhere by myself. So, yesterday I found myself looking for comfort in . . . food. I hate to admit it and it makes me feel like a stereotypical housewife on a weight watchers commercial. You know saying how I used food as a comfort. Anyway, I did it. I found a bit of comfort in a big pan of tuna noodle casserole, the classic disgusting yet delicious lot of noodles, cheese, cream of mushroom soup, bread crumbs, the whole works. It was so comforting in fact that I sat on the couch and ate over half of it all by myself! I may have to make a pan of it every Monday.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

OH Girl, I feel your comfort! :)