Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nine Years

Today is our 9th Anniversary. It seems unbelievable how time moves. I remember waking up this morning 9 years ago to the sound of "Going to the Chapel" and being surrounded by my family and my favorite girls. Then 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Anniversary were spent camping and waking up in a tent. I honestly don't know what happened the 4th and 5th. For the 6th we were pregnant and had just recently found out it was twin girls, had all of Jonathan's family in town and were preparing for Jonathan's Graduation from college. At the 7th the girls were 8 months old and I think I was seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we had dinner in and just relaxed. For the 8th we took the girls to Coulon for the evening and dined on fish and chips :). Now here we are at the 9th and today will not seem overly momentous, we'll have a nice quiet dinner at home and likely go for a walk in the woods. We are heading to California on Thursday and will be counting nights spent in a hotel and unlimitless sleep as our Anniversary gift to ourselves :) For now I plan on enjoying today, flipping through wedding pictures, watching our video (thats right video!) and remembering. I feel so grateful and blessed that I am in love with the man I married and only have joy in my heart when I think of all the years ahead.


Nikki said...

Wow nine years! It does not seem like it could really be that long! So what is in the works for #10???

Serena said...


carrie said...

I would love to say we will be laying on a beach in Mexico....we'll see.

Rachel said...

Happy Anniversary! I didn't realize when I spoke with you earlier that it was today!