Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wonderful Words

This morning the kids went to the sitters across the street. I rested in the quiet. As we were walking back home AJ had to go poop and evidently couldn't hold it. So we got upstairs and got him stripped down in the shower. I swished out his undies in the toilet and left them to soak. As I was getting him ready for nap I thought I'd multi-task so I sent Abigail to go pee and get in bed. All of a sudden she yells "MOM, AJ'S UNDIES!!!" OMG! Well okay, I urged her not to flush and just get into bed. Okay, she cooperated, thankfully. So I got AJ tucked in and went to deal with the undies now soaking in Abigail's pee. SIGH. (rubber gloves made this not a big deal at all.)
I went back to check on AJ and he hugged my neck and said "You da best mommy ever, ever aw da rorld." WOW, that was all the payment I needed!


Jill said...

You ARE the bestest,most perfectest mommy in the whole world for AJ. God knew that and you are both blessed. And a little reminder once in a while helps too!. Love you...MOM

carrie said...

Aren't Moms great! :)

stacita said...

Ha ha. It is definitely worth fishing things out of the toilet for those little stinkers!