Thursday, July 17, 2008

Winds of Change

I remember when Abigail was 9 months to 12 months, she changed so much everyday. She began to walk, talk, feed herself, etc, etc. She transformed during those three months. Now it is happening again. She is 2 years & 3 months and she is transforming before our eyes again. She is talking in sentences, grasping concepts, learning to count to ten, etc. Also during this time Andrew J. is in that 9-12 month time when he is changing and developing everyday also. He is becoming aware of his body like 'one, what is this (his leg)' as he pinches himself, he points and is starting to wave, he gives kisses, etc. Our life has been so full of change and we are now settling in. As we are gaining stability we are also noticing so many things about the kids development. It's amazing really. It makes me feel proud and sad, content and anxious all at the same time. Oh the heart of a mother...


Eva said...

I can't wait to see Abigail and AJ myself I miss them so much. Love that picture!

stacita said...

This post is making me tear up.

carrie said...

Cute bro & sis pic. You should try to snap one of when they are in the opposite spirit :)

Rachel said...

I actually have one that is a moment before this one! :)