Both of my kids are growing and changing so fast! I know I say that all the time. Last night we were clearing the table from dinner as the kids finished up and Abigail (who is talking more and more all the time) said "Mama, I am heavy." It took me no time to realize what she was saying was that she was full! How cute! I don't know why but it struck such a cord in my heart. Maybe because it shows that she's thinking and trying out new words and concepts...? I don't know, but I loved it!
So peanut butter and jelly is a relatively newly introduced food in our house. Really just in this past month have they been given peanut butter in a degree larger then a quick taste. As do most kids the girls are loving it and Kaelyn's jam covered face tells just how much.
{as a side note, those big beautiful brown eyes get me every time :) }
Noah didn't have school on Friday so I took him on a date to an art museum on campus. It was soooo fun. I rarely get to spend one on one time with him, so it felt really special. We rode the city bus. The minute we stepped on, he said, "Mom, this is already fun and it's going to get funner!" After the museum we ate Chinese food in the commons area of the student union. :) Kind of funny. He said it was the best meal he has ever had, and we spent the meal talking about some of the art we saw. The whole outing took less than two hours, but was a memory I will always cherish. I am sure that I want to make it a point to have special time with each child and this was just perfect. Sorry we forgot the camera.
My kids have colds which meant nooooo sleep last night. One would cry and wake the other. I was up giving medicine (or trying to force it down), rubbing vicks on chests, and nursing at least every hour. I even spent part of the night freezing in Juan's bed because there weren't enough covers for both of us! This is one of those days that I wish one of you could just come over in your p.j.s and we could sit, drink coffee, and watch the kids run around!
This is my favorite picture right now. It makes me smile just looking at it. We've been having such a good "sissie" week. They have been such good pals and good at sharing and being gentle with each other. I love watching their unique relationship and pray they will always be the best of friends who will support, encourage and be proud of one another.
This past weekend was the Eastside Mother's of Multiples sale where I scored 8 pairs of shoes for the girls including three pairs of Stride Rites, and two European brands and then three pairs of boots from Target (don't ya love those pink cowgirl boots!) Anyway brand new these shoes would have cost me about $350! I got them all for $43! I love a good deal!!!
Juan woke up way too early from a nap the other day. He was sobbing and obviously still tired. I went to put him back in bed and he threw a doozie of a tantrum. It was a tantrum where he threw his head back with all of his two year old force. This has happened before and I generally just ignore him until he calms down. The problem this time however, was that my face was in the way. Juan's head smacked me right in the nose. I have never been hit so hard. I crumpled to the floor and said words I have never meant to say in front of a small child. It alternated between prayers to Jesus and the f-bomb, a really horrible combination! I knew that it was probably broken. Our friend who is an emergency room doctor came over and examined me and said that there's really nothing to be done for a couple of weeks. It is a little crooked - not bad, but I notice. He was willing to reset it (gross) but I was headed to class and knew I would pass out. My nose really looks pretty good considering that I thought I would look in the mirror and it would be sideways or something. It's bruised and swollen and yes, just a tiny bit crooked. Brant thinks Juan felt bad that he never got to change my body through pregancy and child birth (stretch marks, etc.), so he found a way to alter my body. :) Can I just say, this job is not for wimps!
Ok so I''m bragging on my husband again, he loves to give gifts and yesterday he brought me home a just because I love you gift. It had two girlie movies I like :) and my favorite candies which he was considerate enough to even buy in the 100 calorie snack packs because he knows that I'm trying to watch what I'm eating and that way I can have a totally guilt free snack! (That said I ate 4 of the 80 calorie twix bars last night but hey I have the option of self control if I can just use it!)
Anyway, I love you Babe! Thanks for the sweet gifts!
Ruby has started saying words, which is so fun, but she's learning so many of them from her older brothers, which makes it a bit more interesting. She calls me "Mom". It's so weird, because she's so little. Mom! Mom! She yells. I am always saying, "Mommy" or "Mama", but she insists, I guess, on sounding just like Noah.
Girls have both developed a horrible constant cough that has left them feeling miserable and exhausted and thus us too :) We had a rough night as the pic kind of shows......I'm actually not frowning in my sleep but squinting at the bright camera. Sadly J is doing music at an event today so its just me and the girls. Which is why I'm even making this blog because they are watching Baby Einstein so I can get some coffee in me! Cheers to all Mom's today who are not sleeping in on a Saturday (what's that!) and who instead are wiping running noses and cuddling sick kids.
Me - Noah, do I have anything in my teeth? Noah- No, but you should win five dazzling smile awards!
You know, Mom - It makes my day when I look at my muscles.
Ruby fell asleep on the couch last night and was looking pretty sweet. Noah kissed her and said, "I'm so glad I have a sister like her." Before he went to sleep he said, "Mom, if Ruby is still sleeping when I leave for school, will you help me write her a love letter?"