Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Battleground of Parenting

Juan woke up way too early from a nap the other day. He was sobbing and obviously still tired. I went to put him back in bed and he threw a doozie of a tantrum. It was a tantrum where he threw his head back with all of his two year old force. This has happened before and I generally just ignore him until he calms down. The problem this time however, was that my face was in the way. Juan's head smacked me right in the nose. I have never been hit so hard. I crumpled to the floor and said words I have never meant to say in front of a small child. It alternated between prayers to Jesus and the f-bomb, a really horrible combination! I knew that it was probably broken. Our friend who is an emergency room doctor came over and examined me and said that there's really nothing to be done for a couple of weeks. It is a little crooked - not bad, but I notice. He was willing to reset it (gross) but I was headed to class and knew I would pass out. My nose really looks pretty good considering that I thought I would look in the mirror and it would be sideways or something. It's bruised and swollen and yes, just a tiny bit crooked. Brant thinks Juan felt bad that he never got to change my body through pregancy and child birth (stretch marks, etc.), so he found a way to alter my body. :) Can I just say, this job is not for wimps!


carrie said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! OUCH!!!!

(J is requesting pictures)

Cahill Clan said...

You are one tough broad! And I mean that with the utmost of respect!!!! Hope you are feeling better!