What are you thankful for?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Potty Time
So I bought little potties for the girls last month knowing we would start using them eventually. I'm not in a hurry to potty train but they were starting to tell me more often if they were "wet or poopy" so I thought why not? They have loved sitting on them ever since but have not actually gone "potty", until tonight! Kaelyn was running around naked and all of a sudden stopped and had a moment of panic saying "Potty! Potty!" so we ran to the bathroom she sat on the potty and went!!!! She was so proud and so cute and of course I had to snap a picture of this "First".
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The girls favorite friend in the world is Katrina or as they call her "Nina". (though "Baby Carson" as they call him is running a tight second Nikki) Anyway we have now twice enjoyed a beautiful fall day where we have met Katrina and her Mama Staci in Bellevue and loaded the girls in the wagon and gone and picked up coffee and croissants at this yummy little bakery and then strolled with the girls around the park and played on the playground. I think its too cute how Kaelyn and Katrina share a seat on the wagon, they were even feeding each other their croissants and laughing all the while. It's so satisfying to me to see the girls loving and making friends already and it makes it all the better that I love and am friends with Nina's Mama! My girl friends have always been such an important part of my life, I couldn't survive without you guys! I think the girls are on their way to following in that pattern as well. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Need to clean my house, really clean it as we have company tomorrow
Need to get dinner started
Need to return the pile of overdue library books
Need to keep the pile of laundry moving
Need to schedule dr appts
Need a Nap!
ugh....or I guess Coffee!!!!!
Need to get dinner started
Need to return the pile of overdue library books
Need to keep the pile of laundry moving
Need to schedule dr appts
Need a Nap!
ugh....or I guess Coffee!!!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Peace and Freedom
Noah got in trouble at school two times in one week (I think it was about a week and a half ago, but time all runs together). His teacher called us and he was devastated. At home on the night of the second call he was crying to me. These were his exact words, "I wish there wasn't any school and then peace and freedom could reign throughout the land." I was hugging him when he said it, so he couldn't see me trying so hard not to laugh because he was being completely broken and sincere!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pretty Freakin Cool
Ok so honestly at times I bulk against the onslaught of technology. I took forever before breaking down and becoming an email girl and though now I'm addicted to emailing, blogging, and even mindless internet surfing, which I never understood and never thought I would do, I still feel like I like to move slow when it comes to technology. That said my husband in many ways is the opposite. He dreamed of the Iphone before it existed and Loves and uses his constantly. I had the option of getting one but was kinda like, all I need is a phone to talk on I don't do anything else.
Last night we were in bed watching a movie and there was a song that came on and Jonathan was like thats kind of cool I wonder what song this is. So he takes his I phone turns on a program called Shazam! and holds it up towards the t.v. It "thought" for a minute then told him what the song was, who wrote it, what album it was on, and did he want to see the music video!!!!!!!!! Holy Crap! I was so impressed, I mean come on, that felt like we were living in the future!!! How many times have you heard a song and wished you could do that!
Anyway pretty cool huh?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Incredible Truth
So I'm presently doing Beth Moores Bible Study, "Living Beyond Yourself" which is about the Fruit of the Spirit. Holy Moley it is deep and soul searching and I often feel like how the heck can I ever get my heart to be where its supposed to be!!! I'm finishing week 3 and we are only on the first fruit, Love or more precisely Agape. Today was a summary of all that agape is and we were reading 1 John 3:11-24. So much good stuff in there, its about loving each other as brothers in Christ and what that looks like. Anyway nestled in there is the ansewer to my question of how can my heart ever be where its supposed to be towards others....."For God is greater than our hearts..." Man that is so awesome to me and liberating! Anyway I feel like this is a big truth I'm trying to grasp and thought I'd share it. I know all of us have had hearts that have said "I can't love so and so" "I can't love myself" "I can't change" Well how amazing to read that God is greater then our hearts!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Costumed Cuties!
Elyse's favorite "baby" is her monkey and so we thought it would be appropriate for her to be a monkey. Kaelyn's favorite "babies" (yes plural) are her KiKis which are really a leapord and bobcat cub so she is a KiKi. Really the point of the costumes was simply pictures and taking them around to various relatives and friends we didn't do much else. We did take them out to dinner on the 31st in their costumes but that was about it, I think Miss Elyse got 1 Junior Mint from her Dada but that was the extent :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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