Thursday, November 6, 2008

Costumed Cuties!

Elyse's favorite "baby" is her monkey and so we thought it would be appropriate for her to be a monkey. Kaelyn's favorite "babies" (yes plural) are her KiKis which are really a leapord and bobcat cub so she is a KiKi. Really the point of the costumes was simply pictures and taking them around to various relatives and friends we didn't do much else. We did take them out to dinner on the 31st in their costumes but that was about it, I think Miss Elyse got 1 Junior Mint from her Dada but that was the extent :)

Monkey and Kitty kissing

Kitty is biting the Monkey's bananna!
Sweet Kitty!
Kitty with her Baby
Monkey with her baby (and her cell)
Smiley Monkey
The whole gang! Elyse as Monkey, Kaelyn as an unhappy Kitty, and our Hero Carson as Batman!

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