Friday, November 7, 2008

Incredible Truth

So I'm presently doing Beth Moores Bible Study, "Living Beyond Yourself" which is about the Fruit of the Spirit. Holy Moley it is deep and soul searching and I often feel like how the heck can I ever get my heart to be where its supposed to be!!! I'm finishing week 3 and we are only on the first fruit, Love or more precisely Agape. Today was a summary of all that agape is and we were reading 1 John 3:11-24. So much good stuff in there, its about loving each other as brothers in Christ and what that looks like. Anyway nestled in there is the ansewer to my question of how can my heart ever be where its supposed to be towards others....."For God is greater than our hearts..." Man that is so awesome to me and liberating! Anyway I feel like this is a big truth I'm trying to grasp and thought I'd share it. I know all of us have had hearts that have said "I can't love so and so" "I can't love myself" "I can't change" Well how amazing to read that God is greater then our hearts!!

1 comment:

Cahill Clan said...

I couldn't agree more!! This is exactly the lesson I have learned over the past year and feel so free knowing I AM able to love when logic and human reasoning suggests I shouldn't! I am totaly going to have to get that study!! Thanks for the reminder you wise woman you!