Sunday, December 7, 2008

Little Princess

The other day we were out at the base family Christmas party. It was held in one of the hangars to accommodate all the people. In the middle of lunch Abigail said she had to go pee so I took her and followed all the signs to the restrooms. As we got closer I realize the 'restrooms' were port-a-potty's and decided not to say anything with the hope that she would go with the flow. Well we stepped in and she looks at the 'toilet' and said "No, mama". I hoped that maybe taking her into the handicap one would help (more room). Nope. So I asked a few people and there was no other bathrooms. So I took her back and told her if she wouldn't go in the 'restrooms' she would have to wait. She did a very good job. Eventually, we decided under the circumstances we better head for the car. On our way we saw a building and I took her in for the real restroom. When we walked in and entered the stall she went over and looked inside the toilet and said, "Oh, that's better.", and started to take down her pants!


Eva said...

oh! hee hee, Abigail. What a little lady.

stacita said...

I'm impressed with her "holding it" skills!

carrie said...

Too funny! I agree with Stace I'm impressed she could hold it, it shows how big she's getting!

(Nice to have you back Rach :)

Rachel said...

I think it is somewhat mental because if she really had to go badly she would have wet her pants. After we ate we went outside to a big blow up bouncy thing and she bounced around for a long time. Maybe distraction played a part!

Nikki said...

I love it! I hate those things too!