Tuesday, December 9, 2008


During this afternoon nap time Andy & I are hustling around to get the house 'Christmasy'. I decorated the tree and the rest of the downstairs portion of the house while Andy worked on the lights outside. I realized it was time to start dinner so I finished up my task and headed out to check on his progress. It was starting to get dark by this time and the lights he had put up were on! They looked spectacular on our big two story house! I admired all the neighbors light as I headed back into the house through the garage. As I was passing by the minivan parked inside I realized we are just another of the millions of families that make up suburban America. At times the thought of that 'mold' disgusts me but not today. Maybe it's the lights or the Christmas season I don't know, but whatever it is today I am proud.


stacita said...

I think it's all about different stages in life - and just appreciating each one as they come. I wish I could come sit in your house for a night - we have NO decorations up as we are leaving and it's kind of sad.

carrie said...

I feel that push and pull of the suburbia mold as well.

I agree with Stace I wish we could come over for a cup of coffee and admire your decorations :) How fun that would be!

Rachel said...

That would be nice, I wish you two could come over too!