Monday, August 4, 2008

Thoughts on 30

You don't know how you're going to feel when a significant birthday, like 30, rolls around. I have to say, I feel great.
I've learned a lot in my 20's and care a whole hell of a lot less about what people think (thus the huge arm tattoo :) ).
I enjoy my kids more than ever and watching how fast Noah has reached 7 has made me take time to enjoy them all that much more - ie. choosing to play blocks rather than mop the floor once in a while. Someone asked today how my kids are and I found myself smiling a super cheezy mama smile and saying, "Oh, they're so wonderful." and then launching into a somewhat braggy account of each child's doings.
I'm realistic but optimistic about marriage. It's not easy, but it means a lot to have someone so committed to you even though they know all your faults. Brant is really an incredible human being is making a difference in the world around him.
I'm finally comfortable calling myself an artist. Half the time I'm embarrassed to say I make jewelry because I'm afraid that it comes across like an old lady painting rocks in her spare time or something, but it's becoming a real business and I'm getting great feedback - plus I love having a creative outlet.
I'm starting to actually form a life plan in my mind, not firm, but existent at least: teaching, volunteering in Chile and other places, giving more than taking, gardening, writing, cooking, adoption and helping others adopt, mothering.
My relationship with God has sorted itself out: Once I realized that God and Church aren't one in the same I felt comfortable being myself and still calling myself a follower of Christ, even if many Christians still think drinking alcohol is wrong and Christians can't vote democrat! :) I do both, mind you.
The list could go on, but I'll end with this, girls - Our friendships have come and gone at times and I remember phases in which we were not really in touch. A huge part of who I am today is affected by our friendships. You are my go-to girls for bouncing off ideas, problems, and well, thoughts like these. I know you love me for who I am. I love you both. Thanks for being there in these significant parts of my life!


Rachel said...

Stacy, great reflection. I think we all can agree we are a bit different than when we met...11 years ago! Your entry reminds me of a Tim McGraw song! :)

carrie said...

I have to say I'm actually a little teary right now...though I did just start the flow today :( But on a serious note I love all that you expressed and I think we are all moving in that phase which is so great. Love you so!