Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Open Water Swim....

So....we just did our first open water swim tonight. After working ourselves up enough to get into the cold lake water we then quickly swam out to the swimmers lane and braving the seaweed we began to swim and then a wave hits me and I'm back to square one which is trying not to drown let alone swim. Suffice to say I'm and I can safely say "we" I believe (though Nikki is 10x's better then me) need alot of practice and we have 12 days to get all that practice in. Why you may ask have we waited so long...well partly because the weather has been yuck for the past week and a half and before that we had vacation interruptions for a week approx. but really a big reason is I'm a chicken and I picture seaweed, fish, and dead bodies in the disgusting lake!


Nikki said...

Oh yes that was a killer! But I can safely say we will be ready by the tri!

stacita said...

You're so bad-ass, girls!

Nikki said...

Seems more like fat-ass some days!;)