We have been pretty busy lately. My sister came to visit last weekend and into this week and we are leaving tomorrow for a four day weekend. All of this to say we haven't really grocery shopped this week, which really is okay because at our house there typically is a lot more food around than what meets the eye. Last night we gathered together some odds and ends for dinner, it wasn't too bad. I made some suggestions to Andy as far as what he should take for lunch in the morning. Ordinarily I don't really need to over see the process of packing his lunch because we have plenty of food. This morning however, I think he must have been hungry when he 'shopped' the pantry and fridge
in order to pack his lunch as he took just about everything we had left. Since he has to start work at 6 am, he is long gone by the time we get up and start
rummaging for our breakfast. I
stood there and gathered options... tuna, peanut butter (but no bread), pasta, a can of olives,
Melba toast, eggs, turkey, garlic and basil
polenta, and a bit of milk. So this morning for breakfast Abigail and I ate garlic and basil
polenta and a fired egg.
Yumm! I wonder what's for lunch?...