Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thank Goodness for My Period!

OK. I'm posting 3 times in a row, but I also didn't post for weeks so, with me, all or nothin I guess.
I've been bad at charting my periods this year and so am pleasantly surprised each time - and not because it signals a lack of pregnancy as you would probably suspect.
Once in a while (once a month, I suppose :) ) I find myself having a few really bad days. Nothing has necessarily gone wrong, but I just find everything so annoying: driving in the city, parking a large van, the line at the grocery store, my poor sweet children. Yesterday all the older kids of the communtity were really getting on my nerves. I was watchin one boy who kept disobeying and I sat him on the couch and really let him have it! He went back outside and I cracked a beer - which of course led to yesterdays' beer belly blog. Soon after I went to the bathroom and found I had started my period. "OH thank goodness", I thought, "I'm not just turning into a royal bitch!"
I thought about it and it's definately a pattern. I get to feeling like marriage is just really hard and Brant probably doesn't even love me. The next day I start my period. I cry in bed as I'm falling asleep because I feel I am probably doing a very shitty job parenting. The next day I start my period. I can think of countless examples, and so I suppose I should chart better and then know not to trust one ounce of feeling for those 3-4 days each month.
Anyway - Yeah Period! I'm not just a bitch!


Rachel said...

I TOTALLY relate!!! I think Andy is growing accustomed to my monthly declaration that 'You don't love me!' Why do we think that?

carrie said...

That's funny....I started mine today in the middle of the "Beat the Bridge" relay...