Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another First in Mothering

I was up hours in the night with a vomiting little girl. This is dis-stressing for a number of reasons. With these little ones you never know when the next vomit is going to be. They are traumatized by it because they wonder what-the-heck is happening. It seems to happen over and over again. In her trauma she hold both hands to her mouth to try and catch the stuff. Etc. I feel sorry for her because vomiting is on my list of things I DO NOT like to do (never mind the, literally, countless times I vomited in the first four months I was pregnant with her!).
So our day has changed. We had a busy day planned... doctor apptment., trip to Costco, getting ready for the garage sale tomorrow. Now it will just be laying around (Abigail) watching PBS and daring to try some food and water at some point. I will try to continue my garage sale prep. Anyway, she seems better than when I put her back to bed at 4 am. I hope the worst is over - so far the count is at five times. Poor baby girl!


carrie said...

I've totally got the hands full of puke visual.

stacita said...

It's so sad when little kids throw up! Nothing makes you feel more like a parent than being up at night with a puking kid.