Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Andrew Jeremiah is 1!

(Andy had to work all weekend so we celebrated a little on the day but today was the party.) Well, my baby is one year old - thank God I am not pregnant at this one year birthday! We had a party today and had a few friends over. It was so much fun. I was thinking this evening about how unique one year birthdays are because SO much change happens in the year to come.
The big tent thing was AJ's gift from us. We had it set up last night and got the kids dressed and showed it to them first thing this morning. After we played for a while and Abigail was asking to eat we came in. I was making breakfast and heard AJ crying "mammaaa, mammaaa", I looked at the slider screen and saw that he had got it a couple inches open and was wanting back out. As soon as I opened it he ran (1 year old style) to the tent/tunnel! So cute!


Unknown said...

He just gets cuter and cuter! How fun. I like the tent thing. Love the pictures of him with the cake. Yum.

Eva said...

Ohhhh, I love you AJ.

(I also LOVE your outfit. hee hee)

carrie said...

Looks like you all had a blast....I was hoping to see a pic of him covered in cake!

Rachel said...

Well he is in the second-to-last picture, however, being yellow cake it doesn't really show! That is why he's naked in the last pic! :)