Monday, September 15, 2008

Reunion & Reintegration

Well the trip has come and gone and I am home again. Home-Sweet-Home! I am convinced that, usually, the amount of time you set for a trip is always just right. I missed Andy and the kids a lot, more than I expected.
Sunday morning when we were packing up to go it became evident that it was time to go home. I am lucky to have had a book to read because as it were, I was the first to arrive in Las Vegas and the last to leave. I read my book as I flew from there to home. I had to wait a few minutes for Andy to get there. When I looked in the van and saw Abigail and Andrew J. I couldn't believe my eyes! It wasn't that they had 'changed' as most people usually say; it was that I was seeing them through different eyes. Abigail looked so mature in the face. AJ was big and looked like his daddy did as a young man. WOW! They were all smiles and so glad to lavish me with kisses, I was very glad to receive them all. :)
We had a nice dinner out and then I was anxious to go home. All was well as we put the kids to bed and the night went well. Andy has gotten a good routine with Abigail, potty at bed time and potty again at our bed time. She stays dry until 6 am! Today my little ones were tired so Abigail was a bit cranky. However we had a great day. I had a hard time engaging. I didn't want to do anything. I am so glad and thankful that Andy doesn't have to go back to work until wednesday; this makes reintegration easier for all of us. Thanks for a good weekend gals, I had a great time!


carrie said...

I was surprise at how easy everything went for us. No meltdowns, or fussiness at all and I actually felt ready to jump in and get cleaning and organizing for fall! (I will say I swear I was having alcohol withdrawal, I wanted a drink so bad!)

carrie said...

(surprised) I hate that!

Nikki said...

My homecoming was very nice too! The house was still standing and much to my suprise still pretty clean. It was a great trip and i had lots of fun but home is really where it is at for me! I do think we will need to do it all over again someday! Thanks again girls for a GREAT time!