Monday, September 8, 2008

Nebulizers and Nemo at 4am

So we were up at 3am with Kaelyn and finally at 4 we decided to give her the Nebulizer treatment. It takes between 5-10 min and she finds it initially somewhat traumatic so we turned on Finding Nemo, forwarding through the scene where the Mom and baby eggs get ate, as a distraction. So then for the 5-10 min. she points at the screen and says "ish!" "ish!". Thank goodness for Disney!

As a side note what the heck is up with the kiddos getting sick before Mamas TRIP!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Talk about kids getting sick! Up cleaning vomit out of the carpet at 3 am! Then I spend most of the day nursing myself away from the stomach bug!!! UUUGGGGH!