Saturday, September 6, 2008


I've always thought of myself as able to be spontaneous. Then I had twins....
Now every outing is pretty planned complete with diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snacks, water, distractions, and whatever other equipment is required...double stroller, wagon, baby sling, balls, sand toys, towels etc.

Today the girls were seeming a little onery and I felt like we all needed to blow off some steam at the park so without even grabbing a diaper we headed out. As we (the girls and I, J man was being taken paint balling by some friends) were driving I decided that going and playing in the sand and water sounded more soothing and fun then chasing two toddlers running in opposite directions at the park.

But I didn't have towels, a blanket, diapers, a change of clothes, swimsuits, snacks NOTHING.

I met a Mom at the park the other day who was saying they just decided to pull over and go to the beach but as they were doing so her kids protested that they didn't have their swimsuits, or aqua socks, or sand toys, or towels. She was surprised by their reaction and thought "Oh my gosh, have I made them like this!" I've often thought of her and related today....I don't want my kids to feel they always need the stuff but that you can just go for it be spontaneous and have fun.

So we did it, we spontaneously headed out, then changed where we were heading and went for it! Now granted I did have sand toys in the car but that was it. Once we were done I rinsed them in the lake stripped them down put on their hoodies and put them back in the car dirty and wet. It was great, we all released some steam, enjoyed the sun and survived without all the "stuff"! So cheers for being spontaneous!


stacita said...

I love this! What a great reminder for us all. I barely go anywhere because it is daunting to think of all I will need to pack!

Cahill Clan said...

I am so proud of you! I know it is hard to be spontaneous with both the girls but I think it is really important for all kids! That mom you met had great insight, how scary to think that as moms we could instill fear and anxiety into our children by being "too organized"! What a great story!