Monday, June 9, 2008

Advice, please.

Juan has always been a fabulous sleeper. Generally around 11-12 hours at night and a 2-4 hour nap in the day. Sometimes more. When I put him down for a nap, he usually hugs his ducky and bear close and smiles at me often saying, Bye Bye or Night Night. So . . . for the last two days he has absolutely FREAKED OUT when I put him to bed. He sobbs sooo hard. I have tried to let him cry it out, but he will stand crying to the point that he starts to fall asleep standing up, but still won't stop sobbing. I even let him cry in 1/2 hour increments , which both of you know feels like an eternity when a kid is crying so hard. I had to let him fall asleep in my bed last night and now as I type (at 10:30 p.m.) he is still lying awake on the couch. It is like he's afraid of his crib or his room. I'm sad for him. I'm worried for his health. I'm sad for me! Help, girls! To top it off Brant is gone 3 nights every week throughout June and then we go to Chile and I leave this child with my poor unsuspecting family. Let me know what you guys think.


carrie said...

That sucks I'm going to call...too much to say to leave here

Rachel said...

Stacy, I am back online (internet has been out). How is everything? How have the past couple of nights been? My only experience is surviving through and eventually the solution comes to me or she works it out (whatever the prob was), sometimes it just remains a mystery. Sorry for the not-so-encouraging advice.