Monday, June 23, 2008

Rabbit Hunting and Scarlet Fever: It's like I'm in Western

Weird couple of days. Let me go back a couple of years first though, to add to the weirdness. Noah used to be obsessed with making spider webs out of thread. One day (about 2 years ago) he made one in a bush. That evening he ran in upset saying that there was a dead rabbit outside. Well, when we went to look, yep you guessed it - It was all tangled up in Noah's "web". I think it had had a heart attack. Skip forward a couple of years to yesterday. I went outside to check on Noah and found him very upset. "Mom", he said, " I threw a rock at a squirrel and it turns out it was a rabbit. I think it's dead!" Sure enough, girls. At age 7 my son has accidentally killed two rabbits. I'm pretty sure people starving in the wild have been unable to throw a rock at a rabbit and kill it, or snare one in a hand-made trap for that matter! Noah also has had a sore throat for a couple of days and broke out in a HUGE rash that has spread all over his body. I suspected scarlet fever and I was right. We just got back from the doctor. Brant is out of town leaving me to care for the homestead and my eldest son has scarlet fever, but at least I know we won't starve! Rabbit stew anyone?

1 comment:

carrie said...

Well when the world as we know it ends I want Noah near me! Poor guy about the SF though. You are in my prayers! As in "God help that poor Mama!"