pretty perfect day. Warm but not hot, relatively rested kids and not ridiculously crowded. The girls loved seeing all the animals and everything was either a "Woo-Woo" (which is their word for Dog) a "Ki-Ki" (Cat) or a "Bir" (Bird). Their little fingers were constantly pointing at things and they couldn't take it all in fast enough. J and I had fun too and it was one of those days where everything is lovely and you love being a family.
Kaelyn and I monkying around (haha)
This is us falling into the pull of the zoo store
or should I say me...I insisted we get them
it won't happen next time and look how happy
they are!! They didn't let those things go the rest
of the day, slept with them last night and are
presently carrying them around!! (I know I'm a
Last interesting tidbit about our trip happened while the girls were
eating lunch. They were sitting in their wagon and J and I were sitting on
a bench. I was watching the people walk by who were watching the girls, they were getting lots of "ohh how cute" and waves and were waving back.
One couple walked by and the girls waved at her she smiled, waved at them and nudged her husband to look at them. He smiled, she waved bye and they went on. As they were moving on I noticed her cute leather bag. As they walked away a guy walked up to us and said, "That was Conan O'Brien!" then some teenagers went chasing off after them and a few minutes later came back in our direction. J asked them if they talked to him and they said they just said "Hi" but he wasn't doing pics or autographs and obviously trying to not draw a crowd. Anyway that was our little celebrity moment. His wife is from Seattle...I wondered if their kids were somewhere in the zoo with someone else and if they had to take off because they had been recognized, kind of sucks being "famous" sometimes, not sure it's a price I'd want to pay.
So there is our zoo adventure! We can't wait to go again!
1 comment:
Adorable pictures! Way to be out hanging with the celbrities. :) Your girls will love that story someday.
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