In our house the worst shows, after soap operas, are "Reality Shows" J man can't stand them with quite a passion, too staged, too preying on emotions and too reminiscent to the Romans and the Coliseum. That said, my new guilty pleasure that I have fallen for is the reality show starring Tori & Dean. Previously known as "Inn Love" now "Home Sweet Hollywood". What sucked me in was the fact that she has an almost 1 year old and is 6 months pregnant with the second! I love baby drama, it makes my life seem easy! Then after watching it I thought they were so sweet to each other and it was cute and well I got hooked in and even watched the Marathon of it the other night. What a way to waste 3 hours!
What's your guilty pleasure?
I think you need a job!!! HA HA HA
HA! Didn't someone just get hooked on WEEDS?
I'm trying to decide which guilty pleasure to admit to.
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