Monday, June 16, 2008

Hapy Dada D

The girls' handiwork

My handy artwork


That's about what I was able to get Kaelyn to say (the title) it was pretty darn adorable. We had a great Father's Day. Started off with strawberry waffles which is one of J's favorite breakfasts, I'd made a sign that took up our big wall in the kitchen and we had presents sitting at the breakfast table, all nice and festive. After breakfast J opened his presents from the girls and I. First was art projects from the girls so adorable if I do say so myself and second a bad ass knife from me. (his pick) We then headed downtown and walked around the sculpture park and Pike Place Market taking a break to have fish and chips for lunch. It was the first really beautifully day in a long time and there were tons of families out enjoying it and people wishing Dads "Happy Father's Day!" really nice and small town feeling , for the city that is :). We finished off the afternoon with naps at home and then had yummy fajitas for dinner. A great I wouldn't mind having :)


stacita said...

Wonderful. I love this post.

Rachel said...

Nice day, lucky no one was shot!