Saturday, June 21, 2008

What?! Not again!

I was in a funky part of town full of funky people (of course) and I saw a funky cool guy (I say this so you know he was definately not a nerd) anyway HIS PANTS WERE TIGHT ROLLED! Is this coming back? You know what I'm talking about, right? The fold over and roll up method we so meticulously used in elementary school? I guess it was inevitable. I said I would never wear bell bottoms, and most of my pants are flare (which is just a modern bell bottom). I said then that I would never wear tapered jeans and I love my urban outfitter skinny jeans (which are just the modern taper). Am I doomed to return to the tight roll? Whether or not it is returning, I have just confirmed the fact that I'm getting old by acknowledging my own mortification at a fashion trend from my younger years resurfacing.


Rachel said...

Oh ya!!! My step-brothers (high school age) have been wearing this style for about a year now. Imagine Andy and I's response when we go home to visit last summer and see them walk in with pegged pants!!! I think it was Oprah who said, if you wore it the last time, you're not allowed to wear it the next time around. I think I'll plead that excuse on this one.

stacita said...

OK. I am old. Sad. I new guys were wearing the skinny jeans, rolled, but the actual peg! Crazy.

carrie said...

I heard that same saying on Oprah and it kept me from wearing leggings under a skirt...I loved my black lace ones and I would have loved them again.

stacita said...

A ton of women here wear leggings under skirts, especially the asian women in our co-op. I probably won't try it, but they look super cute.